Center of Wireless Networks
(Simulation / Software portion of Communication and Radar Lab.)
Department of Electronics Engineering
Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - India
Co-ordinator :- Dr. Mirza Salim Beg, Ph. D. (UK), FIETE, MIEEE (USA), Professor
Research Scholars:- 1. Mr. Mohd. Israil, M. Sc. Physics (Electronics) (2004), SMIEEE (USA), AMIETE
2. Mr. Rehan Muzammil, M. Tech (E & C) (1996), MIETE
The center for Wireless Applications is presently accommodated in the Software Portion of the Communication and Radar laboratory. The center for Wireless Applications is equipped with the latest instruments in wireless communications which include Blue-tooth equipments, Software Defined Radio equipments, Digital Mobile Communication Simulation Projects. The Center is engaging Post Graduate students for research work in the latest technology of wireless Blue-tooth communication, the development of wireless applications in 3G and beyond 3G mobile phones and computer networks including Wi-Fi and Wi-Max, thereby, catering to the present and the future needs of our nation.
The following lines give the brief description of these equipments:-
BT 2001 Transmitter / Receiver kit manufactured by Man & Tel Corporation, South Korea.
BT 3000 Transmitter / Receivers in duplicate manufactured by Man & Tel Corporation, South Korea.
Each transceiver in BT 2001 can be made a Master or Slave.
The data transmitted can be in any direction i.e. master to slave or slave to master.
In BT 3000 transceivers there is one dedicated Slave and one dedicated Master. The Master is controlled by an application through a digital computer and the Slave Unit is controlled by a Microcontroller chip which again has to be programmed through a digital computer.
The User Interface and the driver software for above two BT kits is designed and developed using Windows 32 bit programming using VC++ 9.0 software. The developments were done as separate projects for B Tech & M Tech Levels
The transmission frequencies lie between 2.401 to 2.480 GHz which is an ISM band requiring no license for its operation.
It uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum modulation where the frequency hops 1600 times every second among the 79 possible values.
The Software Defined Radio Design Bench (SDB-05) is highly versatile and flexible programming kit where same piece of hardware can be programmed and re-programmed to cater to the needs of different Digital transmitter and receiver.
There are two SDB-05 units – One is transmitter and the other is Receiver.
This kit is manufactured by Polarizone Corporation, Malaysia.
The softwares supplied with the kit are :
Xilinx ISE 7.1i
ChipScope Pro 7.1i
The SDB-05 units consists of Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA chip along with DSP chip for very fast Floating point operations.
Along with it there is an analog section consisting of 2 12-bit DACs and 2 12-bit ADCs. These are very crucial for the transmission of analog signals.
The kit consists of a base band section, Intermediate frequency section and the Radio frequency section. The user has to change the architecture of the base band section whereas the IF and the RF section remain constant.
The language used to program the FPGAs is VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit hardware Definition Language).
This programming is done in the Xilinx ISE environment.
The frequency at the RF section lies between the 2.4 – 2.5 GHz ISM band.
After the core file is generated and the FPGAs are programmed, ChipScope Pro is used to monitor the waveforms at various stages of the circuit in “Real Time”.
The programming of the FPGAs is done via a digital Computer using a JTAG cable supplied with the kit.
This kit can be used to implement any digital modulation scheme. For example, PSK, ASK, QPSK and QAM and M-ary modulation schemes.
The various projects in this area are for M Tech & PhD levels.
There are a number of projects in this area.
These projects are done on various Digital Computers in the lab.
These projects are totally Computer Simulation Projects where the whole Data Communications is done through Simulations on a Digital Computer.
The programming languages for these Simulations are MATLAB, C, C++, VC++ etc.
The Simulation involves the generation of data, AWGN noise and the mobile and fading channel.
The main aim of the Simulations is to find a Bit Error Rate (BER) versus SNR (signal-to-noise-ratio) curves for different scenarios and compare the result.
The Simulations are done to save the time and money in the process of Digital Mobile Phones design and implementation. Once we get satisfactory results through the Simulation, we go in for the manufacture of the real mobile phones.
Research is going on for the next generation mobile phones i.e. 3G and 4G mobile phones.
Besides the above equipments, the following kits are also available in the center for Wireless Application :-
1. Basic Antenna Trainer Kit (600 MHz), model ATS-01
01 kit
2. Basic Satellite Communication Trainer (2.4 GHz), model STC-1
01 kit
3. Doppler’s Radar Trainer (10 GHz), model DRX-10
01 kit
4. Blue-tooth Java Software Development Kit model JB-22
01 kit