New Experimental Kits available in Communication Lab
(As on 06-06-2008)
Name of the Kit | Quantity |
Advanced Micro-strip Trainer kit |
01 |
Color TV Demonstration kit |
01 |
Satellite Receiver Trainer kit |
01 |
Blue-tooth Trainer kit, model BT-2000 |
01 |
LAN Trainer |
01 |
Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation kit, model AET-14 |
01 |
DSB & SSB Modulation / Transmitter, ST- 2201 |
01 |
DSB & SSB Demodulation / Receiver, ST-2202 |
02 |
SSB Modulation & Demodulation, Trinity model CS-1202 |
02 |
DSB Modulation & Demodulation, Trinity model CS-1203 |
02 |
Frequency Modulation & Demodulation – Tx & Rx, ST-2203 |
01 |
Frequency Modulation & Demodulation – Tx & Rx, CS-1204 |
02 |
Frequency Modulation & Demodulation kit, BCT-02 |
01 |
Harmonic Analyzer, model COM-118 (Sigma) |
02 |
SHRR (Superhetrodyne Radio Receiver) |
02 |
Sampling & Re-construction Trainer, Scientech Model ST-2101 |
01 |
Sampling & Re-construction Trainer, Trinity model CS-1218 |
01 |
PRBS and Noise Generator, model PRBS-100 (Sigma) |
01 |
Delta Modulation (Adaptive & Sigma) ,Scientech Model ST-2105 |
02 |
PAM, PPM & PWM scientech model 2110 |
01 |
PWM and Demodulation BCT-07 / 08 |
01 |
PPM and Demodulation, Trinity model CS-1207 |
01 |
Data Format Transmitter Kit, Trinity model CS-1223 Tx |
01 |
Data Format Receiver Kit, Trinity model CS-1223Rx |
01 |
Fiber Optic Communication Kit, Trinity model TMS-FO1304 |
01 |
PCM Transmitter |
01 |
PCM Receiver |
01 |
01 |
01 |
DPCM / QPSK (Mars Commn) |
01 |
Some Old Experimental Kits (still in use)
Pulsed Radar
System, TecQuipment (UK) model
E15S |
One Kit |
Shift Radar System, TecQuipment (UK) model E15R |
One Kit |
Antenna Systems, TecQuipment (UK), model E15L |
One Kit |
Lines, TecQuipment (UK) model E15i |
One Kit |
Kits assembled in the Laboratory
S. No. | Name of the Kit assembled in the Lab | Quantity | Status |
Delta Modulator (using opamp 741) |
01 |
Working |
Digital Modulations Schemes (ASK, PSK, OOK & APSK) |
01 |
Working |
7-bit PRBS Generator using 3-bit shift registers |
01 |
Working |
(7,4) Block Code and Syndrome Generator |
01 |
Working |
FM Demodulator using PLL (LM 565) |
01 |
Working |
VCO as a Frequency Modulator (LM566) |
01 |
Working |
ISI using Eye -Pattern |
01 |
Working |
Envelope Detector (OA79) |
01 |
Working |
Pulse-Width Modulator with Pulse Generator (Transistorised) |
01 |
Working |
10. |
Sampling and TDM kit (Diodes 1N4007) |
01 |
Working |
11. |
16- QAM (opamps 741 and transistors BC147) |
01 |
Working |
12. |
Optical Transmitter and Receiver kit |
01 |
Working |
13. |
Multi-Function Filters using OTAs. |
01 |
Working |
14. |
Switched Capacitor filter |
01 |
Working |
Note: For information on various Experimental Kits, gadgets and projects, multimedia, computers and professional societies of international repute, conducting internationally recognized courses and examinations in Electronics, Telecommunication and information technology, click on the following button:-