Communication and Radar Laboratory
Department of Electronics Engineering
Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - India
The Communication and Radar Laboratory came into existence in the year 1977 in the Department of Electrical Engineering under the Chairmanship of (late) Prof. Jalauddin. Dr. M. U. Siddiqi, Reader, was made the first Lab-In-charge, and Mr. R. L. Rajput was deputed to work as a first Technical Assistant; and the Lab. was given the name “Communication Systems Laboratory” of the Department of Electrical Engg.
The lab started to conduct five experiments on basic Communication Systems and Radio receivers and four experiments on the Microwaves measurements, catering the need of one optional Lab course in the 5th year B. Sc(Engg.) (Electrical). In the year 1978, the course was divided into High-current and low-current streams, and the number of experiments was increased accordingly.
The first significant development in the lab. was made in the years 1984 onwards, by procuring a number of experimental kits from a UK based company “TecQuipment Electronics” by Prof. Farid Ghani, the Lab-In-charge in those years.
In the year 1989, the Department of Electronics was created and the Communication Systems Laboratory was transferred from Electrical Engg. Department to the newly created Electronics Engg. Department.
The Laboratory was further developed by adding some more Microwaves Equipments and Radars, to it in the years 1988-89 by its Lab-In-charge Dr. Ahmad Shahid Khan and the lab was renamed as “Communication and Radar Laboratory” of the department of Electronics Engineering.
The lab was expanded by adding PCs and other computer peripherals and another room of the department was occupied by the lab., where its software portion was transferred in 2002. Continuous developments are being made from the year 2004 onwards in both the Hardware and the Software portions of the laboratory.
Many experimental kits have been constructed in the lab by the qualified technical Staff of the department, and by the students in their projects, which are being used in conducting many experiments in various Lab courses of the department. The Communication and Radar Laboratory of the Department of Electronics Engineering, has now become one of the developed laboratory of the AMU, Aligarh as well as of the country.
1. Dr. M. U. Siddiqui, Reader and Founder Lab-In-Charge
2. Dr. Farid Ghani, Professor
3. Dr. Ahmad Shahid Khan, Professor
4. Dr. Wasim Ahmad, Professor
The Technical Staff of the Communication and Radar Laboratory in the Past:-
1. Mr. R. L. Rajpoot, Technical Assistant (1977 – 1980)
2. Mr. Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Zaidi, Technical Assistant (1980 – 1983)
3. Er. M. Hadi Ali Khan, Senior Technical Assistant (1983 - !993)
4. Er. M. Hadi Ali Khan, Junior Technical Officer (1993 - !998)
5. Mr. Talib bin Ghani Lab Attendant (1999 to ..continued)